My TexShop (running on Macbook Pro, itself running 10.5.8) has started acting really strange.
Even a simple document like the one below generates the problem so I don't think it can be a package problem.
Code: Select all
\date{} % delete this line to display the current date
What is going on?
When I typeset it using 'Latex', the document typesets - but oddly. Sometimes it typesets the whole document in a different font (one without serifs, where any occurrence of the letters 'fi' in the document gets turned into little symbols). Sometimes just the title and section headings get put in that font and the rest is typeset normally. Sometimes the headers are normal but the body text is in the different font. And sometimes everything is normal.
I don't have to change anything in the document to get these variations - just hit typeset--latex each time (leaving the document the same) and I get different typesettings.
This doesn't seem to happen when I use TexWorks - but I much prefer TexShop and don't want to have to change over.
I've tried deleting my copy of TexShop and reinstalling it - but no luck
Has anyone got a suggestion?