Hello everybody, When I log in as administrator there isn't problems, the compilation and generating to PDF works fine !
When I log in as user , the command "pdflatex" is not proprely declared on my session.
I must open Maintenance of Miktex to access at the bouton Refresh FNDB....after a long time waiting..... Finally, I can use the command pdflatex.
If I go use Techniccenter to compile a file . It's very too long to wait...about 10 minutes (as user) to generate a document to pdf instead of 10 seconds into session administrator.
- Why in options->roots I can't change the order list in which files are searched ? Please look at my images...
I need help.
Best regards
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MiKTeX and proTeXt ⇒ MiKTeX doesn't work with user session on Windows 7!
MiKTeX doesn't work with user session on Windows 7!
Last edited by mcescutt on Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: MiKTeX doesn't work with user session on Windows 7!
Have you tried to change the order in administrator session or is it only in user session?
Re: MiKTeX doesn't work with user session on Windows 7!
thanks for you response.
I can't change list order as into administrator session.
The button up & down are disabled.
Have you any idea ?
thanks for you response.
I can't change list order as into administrator session.
The button up & down are disabled.
Have you any idea ?
MiKTeX doesn't work with user session on Windows 7!
Hm, when I looked to my new MiKTeX (2.9) I see same problem (althought I have only one account - so I'm always logged as administrator). I thought I've seen that you could move the paths in older versions, but perhaps I'm wrong:/ I think the only thing you can do is to 'coppy' all packages from admin to user repositories. I don't know will this work, but I think you could do sth like:
(I'm not shure how exactly you should do it; isn't there a way of installing packages as user to user repositories?)
/The problem why it takes so long it's becaus MiKTeX is searching for files from paths where are almost no files./
Code: Select all
mpm --admin --verbose --repository="C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.8" --import-all
(I'm not shure how exactly you should do it; isn't there a way of installing packages as user to user repositories?)
/The problem why it takes so long it's becaus MiKTeX is searching for files from paths where are almost no files./
Re: MiKTeX doesn't work with user session on Windows 7!
I am pleased anyone answered, thanks to you.
But I solved my issue bye downloading and installing MikteX portable.
After reconfigurating Techniccenter With spécifié paths. Everythings works.
Best regards
But I solved my issue bye downloading and installing MikteX portable.
After reconfigurating Techniccenter With spécifié paths. Everythings works.
Best regards