BibTeX, biblatex and bibernatbib, custom bibliographystyle, sort order problem

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natbib, custom bibliographystyle, sort order problem

Post by victorclaessen »


I'm using XeLaTeX to write a thesis using the style memoir. I'm having a problem with the ordering of my bibliography references. I use the natbib package with number style references and the sort option \usepackage[numbers,sort]{natbib}.

The problem is that the sort order of the references is according to how they are ordered in the .bib file, and I would like to have them ordered according to whatever is actually cited first. I have attached an example with two papers, one by Medalia and one by Goodsell.

It doesn't matter if I cite Medalia first and Goodsell second, or the other way around. Because Medalia is first in the .bib file, that paper always ends at number 1, even if I cite Goodsell first.
If I change the order of the papers in the .bib file, then Goodsell is always first, even if I cite Medalia first.

Can anyone help me sort this (pun intended)?

.bst file (had to rename to be allowed to post)
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.tex file
(1.09 KiB) Downloaded 215 times
.bib file
(1.96 KiB) Downloaded 218 times
Last edited by victorclaessen on Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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work around

Post by victorclaessen »

Never mind, I've switched to chapterbib, and that works now. Still, it was a strange problem.
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