Fonts & Character Setsall times fonts created equal?

Information and discussion about fonts and character sets (e.g. how to use language specific characters)
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all times fonts created equal?

Post by wmj »

Hi, I'm dumb on fonts.

Reading through I noticed that tex comes with support for (free) postscript fonts, times included.

Are these times fonts the same as the times fonts that adobe sells on The same as when I choose "times" in mathematica?


Last edited by wmj on Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: all times fonts created equal?

Post by frabjous »

The Times fonts that came with your LaTeX distribution is technically Nimbus Roman No9 L, which is the version of Times developed by the URW foundry, but was released with a GPL license as part of URW's bankruptcy settlement, if memory serves.

If you can tell the difference between it and other versions of Times, then you've joined the true typographical elite. Personally, the only character that looks different to me between it and Times New Roman that ships with Windows is the italic 'z'.

It's perfectly decent quality (if anything I like it better than TNR), though it doesn't have oldstyle figures or true small caps. The TeX Gyre Termes font, which probably also came with your LaTeX distribution (tgtermes) is based on it, but adds some more features and characters.

In Mathematica, you probably just get the system Times font, which is different for different operating system. The font called "Times" on Mac seems almost indistinguishable to me from Nimbus Roman L, even closer than Windows's TNR.

I think Adobe sells a number of different Times fonts. None of them are probably quite the same, but I would guess that the best ones they sell would--if not higher quality--at least offer more features, including true small caps and oldstyle figures, and maybe even optical sizes, etc.
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Re: all times fonts created equal?

Post by wmj »

Wow. A polite, thoughtful, and comprehensive answer to my question.. on an internet forum.

You have truly restored my faith in the internet.

Thank you so much!
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all times fonts created equal?

Post by localghost »

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