The problem is, that I do not have time each day (from time to time even not once in a week), to go through the posts and move them to other forums when necessary. But exactly that is important, to keep the quality of LaTeX Community.
This is why I am now looking for people who want to volunteer for moderators.
What are the tasks of moderators?
- Check messages -- when possible -- on a daily basis
- Remove junk messages
- Delete double posted topics
- Move topics placed in the wrong forum to the correct one
- You should be common with some bulletin boards like this one, to have a sense for the structure and communication of such communities
- You should be able to communicate gently with other people via e-mail, to not scare them, just because they have posted to the wrong forum
- In the optimal case you already have experiences in moderating bulletin boards -- in the best case you have this experience even for phpBB (the software used for LaTeX Community).
I am looking forward to your messages