Page LayoutLatex Beamer, header in various colors

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Latex Beamer, header in various colors

Post by mschulme »

Hi all,
I have a problem in Latex BEAMER reg the definition of the header in various colors. In the example below Beamer creates a header that on the top right shows a white rectangle and the word "hello" in orange color.

My issues:

How can I change the white color box into another color?

Is it possible to get two different colored rectangled boxes horizontally within the white box? How?

How can I change the work "hello" in the white box to have it aligned on the right side of the slide?

How can I move the word "hello" upwards in the white bow?

Thanks a lot,

Code: Select all


\setbeamerfont{header_font_section}{size*={6.25}{0 .25}}
\setbeamerfont{header_font_subsection}{size*={12.2 5}{0.25}}
\setbeamerfont{header_font_subsubsection}{size*={6 .25}{0.25}}


\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=0.70\paperwidth,ht=1.80ex,leftskip=0.4cm,dp=0.6 ex]{frametitle}
\usebeamerfont{header_font_subsection}{\bf\inserts ubsection}\hfill{}\hspace{0.3cm}
{\usebeamerfont{header_font_section}\usebeamercolo r[fg]{section_name}hello}
\usebeamerfont{header_font_subsubsection}{\insertf ramesubtitle}

\subsection{Important Issues}
\begin{frame}[t]{\insertsubsection}{Ideal Example}
The text is here.

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