KileAbbreviations autocomplete braces

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Abbreviations autocomplete braces

Post by DominicanGator »

Is there a way in kile to automate braces so I don't have to move my hand from the home-row? I did an abbreviation br, then I did the same thing for brace. where the result was {%C}. It puts the carat between the brace. but the only way this gets executed if you are right next to the entire word then press ctrl-space. There's another way as well type brace, hit space, hit backspace twice, then type e again. and you get your braces with the carat inside.

I'm wondering if I can get my expected result by just typing half or even the whole keyword and the pressing either tab, space, or enter.

In windows I had autohotkey do it automatically for me when I typed ,b
I had the comma there so it wouldn't affect any word that starts with b, so I didn't need a tab or enter to execute it. If that method can be done in kile that would be sweet. My goal is to be able to type math as fast as I can type words. Also is there a way that it can check of the character to the right is a brace? If so, let the Enter key act as a right arrow. Similar to when you make a method in eclipse and it puts you in between() it lets you leave it easily with out reaching for the up down right left keys.

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