So for example, you can use:
Code: Select all
Any of you guys know a workaround?
Code: Select all
Thank you for the reply. I ended up using the solution in [1]. By altering the tikz parameters, slightly, you can achieve the same sort of look as the pifonts package; but this way is much more flexible and allows you to use whatever you like in the circled boundary.localghost wrote:Concerning the font itself I'm afraid that there will be no workaround. The font designer just didn't provide this character. But there are a lot of possible alternatives [1-4]. A further search in the forum might yield more solutions. In the meantime you should know the search function.
[1] View topic: circle around letters
[2] View topic: 1 inside a circle
[3] View topic: How to draw a circle around text
[4] View topic: enumerate with circled numbers
Code: Select all
\ding{202} \ding{203} ... \ding{211}
Code: Select all
{\larger \ding{202}} {\larger \ding{203}} ... {\larger \ding{211}}
Code: Select all
\tikz[baseline=(C.base)]\node[draw,circle,inner sep=0.5pt](C) {#1};\!
Actually you could have done some research on your own by looking at the pgf/tikZ manual in the meantime. While replying to this question I had an idea that brings the additional value of one command with a starred version. See code below.nderby wrote:[…] My problems with this solution:
(1) How can I make this a solid circle, with the number in white?
(2) How can I put the number in a sans serif font, similar to what I'm trying to re-create?
(3) Most importantly, how can I make it so that the size of the circle stays the same for all numbers from 1 to 19? With the solution above, \circled{5} and \circled{15} create different-sized circles.
Code: Select all
minimum size=1.35em,
inner sep=0.5pt
](C) {#1};%
minimum size=1.35em,
inner sep=0.5pt
](C) {#1};%
\circled{1} \circled{10}
\circled*{1} \circled*{10}
\item First Item
\item Second Item
\item Third Item
\item First Item
\item Second Item
\item Third Item