GeneralTeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

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Re: TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by MartinC »

Ok, right, the Output Bar. You see that there are 0 pages created, so obviously something is wrong. Are you running pdflatex? What do you see in the Output Bar above the line "LaTex-Result: O Error(s), 0 Warning(s), 0 Bad Box(es), 0 Page(s)"?

It is possible that your build profiles are wrong. Try to rerun the Profile Wizard (in the "Build"\Define Output Profiles" menu).

By the way, are you using TxC 1.0? Maybe you should try TxC 2.0 alpha, it will be better at detecting your system settings.

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Re: TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by cici »

I will tray to answer you in detail:

- I am running pdflatex, at least that is what it says in the profiles (alt+f7).

- The text above what I copy to you, is very long, do you whant me to copy? In short it says the directories that are being used and it finishes saying:
I couldn`t open file name "C:\.......(the directory here).aux"
Couln`t find input index file "C:\.....(the directory here)"
Usage: C:\Archivosdeprogramas\Miktex2.8\miktex\bin\makeindex.exe [-ilqrcgLT] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log][-p num][idx0 idx1...]

- yes, I`m using TxC 1.0. I read somewhere that TxC 2.0 alpha is not stable, very likely to crash, and that I can lose everything. I am writing my phd thesis and if a lose it I will die...should I take the risk?

- I will rerun the wizard, but could you tell me what exactly I should put in the directory path? I always put this: C:\Archivos de programa\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex
Is it ok?
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TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by MartinC »

cici wrote:I will tray to answer you in detail:

- The text above what I copy to you, is very long, do you whant me to copy? In short it says the directories that are being used and it finishes saying:
I couldn`t open file name "C:\.......(the directory here).aux"
Couln`t find input index file "C:\.....(the directory here)"
Usage: C:\Archivosdeprogramas\Miktex2.8\miktex\bin\makeindex.exe [-ilqrcgLT] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log][-p num][idx0 idx1...]
Sorry, this is not enough! There seems to be something wrong at the very beginning, there must be a reason why 0 page is created.
cici wrote: - yes, I`m using TxC 1.0. I read somewhere that TxC 2.0 alpha is not stable, very likely to crash, and that I can lose everything. I am writing my phd thesis and if a lose it I will die...should I take the risk?
No, TxC 2.0 alpha works very well.
cici wrote: - I will rerun the wizard, but could you tell me what exactly I should put in the directory path? I always put this: C:\Archivos de programa\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex
Is it ok?
No, it should be: C:\Archivos de programa\MiKTeX 2.8\miktex\bin
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TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by dieffenbachia »

gletsjer wrote: When watching the buildwindow, I realised there was no text in my document. I find it weird that this can cause such problems,
I too had this problem recently using Miktex 2.9 and Adobe 8 with Texniccenter.

This error message

Cannot execute the command

also cropped up when I used \par in the tex document. It had been building before adding in \par so I'm not sure where the problem lies: whether it is me being a latex newb or a buggy Miktex 2.9/pdf-viewer issues.

I was wondering if anyone else had found these strange errors and whether they knew of a solution?

BTW Thanks to the community for all your helpful posts - your knowledge and advice are very much appreciated
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TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by Montag »

MartinC wrote:Sorry, this is not enough! There seems to be something wrong at the very beginning, there must be a reason why 0 page is created.
I can't reply to the original issue in this thread, but this 0 pages thing always occurs when the main .tex file's name is longer than 36 characters. That's a fact which 1) I read it another somewhere on here and 2) I checked it myself. This issue occurs always with a file name longer than 36 characters, no matter how "clean" / "correct" the TeX-code is.
OS: Win 7 64-bit LaTeX: MikTeX 2.9 64-bit Editor: TXC 1 RC1
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TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by MartinC »

dieffenbachia wrote:
I too had this problem recently using Miktex 2.9 and Adobe 8 with Texniccenter.

This error message

Cannot execute the command
Could you post the settings that you use in your Output Profiles?
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Re: TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by matthematical »

I also have this problem with the 2.9 beta version. I get the same error as described above. My output profiles for the viewer are and LaTeX are

C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\pdflatex.exe
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Adobe Reader 9

However, no pdf is actually created. In addition everything works fine as a DVI

my error window looks like this (attached as right side of screen shot)
latexerror.jpg (233.34 KiB) Viewed 17847 times
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TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by localghost »

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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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Re: TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by Montag »

I have the x64 version of MikTeX 2.9 installed and it works.
OS: Win 7 64-bit LaTeX: MikTeX 2.9 64-bit Editor: TXC 1 RC1
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Re: TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by felipecas »


My OS is Windows 7, I recently have installed: TeXnicCenter 1 RC 1, MiKTex 2.9 and Ghostscript. The pdf viewer is Adobe reader X. After compile, I press the "View output" button, the next message appears "[DocOpen("%bm.pdf")][FileOpen("%bm.pdf")] Cannot execute the command".

I need help with it.
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