Fonts & Character SetsProprietary Fonts

Information and discussion about fonts and character sets (e.g. how to use language specific characters)
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Proprietary Fonts

Post by joshuapenrose »


I've just purchased Gotham font from Hoefler & Frere-Jones. I'm using the fontspec package, and have been able to use in Latex every font loaded in my FontBook app (on a mac, using MacTex) except for this font. I have .otf files, which I know should work. Does anyone know of some trick I need to do for this font to work? Is the problem that the font is proprietary?

Thanks very much!


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Proprietary Fonts

Post by frabjous »

Please show us (using a minimal working example) what code you're using when you try to use the fonts, and what error messages you're receiving when you do so. (Perhaps by posting the .log file.)

Are the fonts already installed system-wide?

It shouldn't matter that they're proprietary (unless they have some kind of crazy DRM on them, but I've never heard of DRM on a font). The only real problem with their being proprietary is that it makes it very hard for those of who don't own the font to try to help you.
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