DevelopmentTXC command autocomplete XML-Definitions

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TXC command autocomplete XML-Definitions

Post by Dirk »

Hi there,

I wonder if there is some kind of syntax definition for the XML-files defining the autocompletion rules. Actually it seems to me, that the "TeX-command import" wizard doesn't work well because a lot of commands are not recognized. Further I use some environments in a little bit different manner. Therefore I'm going to edit and adjust the XML-files but I think that it's not reasonable to "reverse engineer" the XML-definition.

I also would like to suggest to make it possible to adjust the directory or add additional directories for autocompletion-rules. This would have the advantage, that it would be easier to backup the rules and in addition one doesn't need to edit files within the programs-directory of Windows, which requires Administration rights at least when using Vista or 7. An easy possibility to edit and access the XML-files would offer the advantage that it would be simple to "exchange" customized autocompletition rules via the web, too. This would further enhance the comfort of TXC.



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