Fonts & Character SetsLaTeX generating "Form Feed" character in place of "fi"

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LaTeX generating "Form Feed" character in place of "fi"

Post by wildgunman »

Whenever I compile a document on my Mac, it exhibits the following very odd behavior that I am having a tough time tracking down.

The document renders, views, and copies fine on my Mac. Whenever I send the document to a Windows PC, it renders perfectly fine under Acrobat reader (or Foxit or whatever), but when I copy the text and try to paste it, every instance of "fi" is replaced by what I have figured out is ASCII character 14 or "Form Feed." For the life of me, I can't seem to track down what is causing this behavior.

Can anyone help?

I'm using Tex-Live 2008 and this is all that I head my document with:

Code: Select all

I don't know if this is a character set issue or a TexShop issue, or some kind of bizarre file transfer issue, but any insight would be much appreciated.

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LaTeX generating "Form Feed" character in place of "fi"

Post by frabjous »

LaTeX of course uses typographical ligatures for fi, ff, fl, ffi and ffl (if the font supports them).

You could try adding:

Code: Select all

to your preamble for Type1 encoding, but if that doesn't work, the problem is really with the PDF software and not with LaTeX. Some are smart enough to deal with ligatures correctly; others aren't.
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Re: LaTeX generating "Form Feed" character in place of "fi"

Post by wildgunman »

Worked! (Though Foxit Reader still copies it as a "?" character for some reason. Acrobat Reader copies it just fine.)

Thanks so much for your help!
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