Generalreduce the size of PDF output document

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reduce the size of PDF output document

Post by fatra2 »


I have simple question, with probably a not so simple answer. I wrote a few documents (in LaTeX of course) in "report" class. I included some images (jpeg essentially), some links and the whole chabang. I compile these documents, only to notice that they are quite voluminous. I have one with ~20 pages, that takes more than 2MB.

My question is the following: is there anything I can do to reduce the size of these documents???


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reduce the size of PDF output document

Post by localghost »

The size of the resulting PDF file depends on several things. One of them is the PDF version. The current TeX Live 2010 (and as far as I know also MiKTeX 2.9) produces PDF1.5 which should result in smaller files. But since there are quite a lot images in your document, you may adjust the compress level. Some lines in the preamble might do the trick

Code: Select all

The first line is only needed for former versions of the above mentioned TeX distributions. But don't expect too much. The possible decrease is about 20%. For further details take a look at the PDFTeX manual (Table 2).

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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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