TeXShopDifferent width and height of text according to font

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Different width and height of text according to font

Post by fja »

I'm writing an {article} document, and I defined the margins of the page. To do this, I used:

Code: Select all

So, I compile the document as LaTeX Pdftex (of course, under TexShop), and it works fine. Then, I was told to use the Book Antiqua font, so I loaded the package

Code: Select all

which did change the font, but the margins too. Is there a way to avoid this, or I have to "calculate" the margins again (and for every font I could use)??

PS: By the way, this declarations of margins was trial and error :?

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Different width and height of text according to font

Post by frabjous »

I cannot duplicate the result. If I process the following file:

Code: Select all

\usepackage{lipsum}% for creating dummy text
\lipsum[1-20]% creates dummy text
And then process the same file without the \usepackage{pxfonts}, the margins of the document are exactly the same. Adding this package does not change them, nor do I see why it ever would.

If there is more going on in your document, perhaps some other package or setting is responsible. Can you provide a minimal working example which we can use to reproduce the problem?

However, you should know that the standard and probably best way to set margins in a (pdf)LaTeX document is to use the geometry package, rather that direct length commands, as so:

Code: Select all

(Change the values to whatever is suitable.)
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