Hi all,
I have a big problem to which i could not find any answer in any post. i have a thesis where the chapter titles are displayed on top of each right page. However, one of my chapters has a very long title and the title does not fit in the page. I would like it to be ended automatically by an ellipsis. However, I also want the title to remain complete in the table of contents. Does anyone have any idea ???
Also does anyone know how to switch off the page numbering only for some specific pages ??
Thansk a lot
Page Layout ⇒ thesis headings
thesis headings
astrotop wrote:Also does anyone know how to switch off the page numbering only for some specific pages ??
Code: Select all
Re: thesis headings
I'll give you tuppence if you give us enough info to help you.
thesis headings
You could earn Bev's tuppence, by providing a minimal working example exemplifying the problem, as suggested by the Board Rules. (See also the Post on Avoidable Mistakes). In these circumstances we especially need to see the document class and what packages, if any, are being used to style the headers and footers (e.g., fancyhdr?).
Re: thesis headings
Memoir class declares sectioning commands with three parameters like
\chapter[toc title][heading title]{title}
\chapter[toc title][heading title]{title}