KileCall gnuplot from Kile

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Call gnuplot from Kile

Post by cherryng256 »

Hi, I'm pretty new to LaTeX, so I'd appreciate it if you just assume that I know nothing :?

I've read up on how to use gnuplot from Kile, and it seems that I have to call external programs using "shell-escape" or "enable-write18". I've seen a lot of responses for people using TeXmaker or MikTeX, but I haven't been able to piece it together for Kile.

I do see a file called filename.x.gnuplot, but I don't see any .table file. Am I supposed to? What am I doing wrong?

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LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Re: Call gnuplot from Kile

Post by kmt »

I'm trying to do the same thing, and this helped me -

See ... %20end.pdf

It says:

In Kile, go to menu “Tools”, “Configure Kile”, then “Tools”, then go to tab “Build” and edit your favorite tool according to the above string. In a terminal window, an equivalent command for the latex compiler including shell escaping may be latex -interaction=nonstopmode --shell-escape DOCUMENT.tex

(In my version of Kile it's actually the "Settings" menu and then "Configure Kile", followed by "Tools" and the "Build" tab.)

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