Fonts & Character Setsproblems with hebrew characters inside latin text

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problems with hebrew characters inside latin text

Post by noordung »

I've decided to post after reading similar posts and after unsuccessfully trying some possible solutions.
The first attachment is a file I've "inherited" by previous editor of a publication in which i need to insert some hebrew characters.
I've tried with the line

Code: Select all

with some variants of font encodings ([T1],[HE8,OT1],etc...)
and input encodings utf8,latin1,etc...
before and after the "babel" line.
In many cases with the following output error:

Code: Select all

! LaTeX Error: Command \hebtet unavailable in encoding T1.
with latin1 encoding it seems to work, but it outputs a strange error for
(I'm not able to replicate this error situation :!: )
But I'm so frustrated 'cause another (provaheb, the 2nd from bottom in attachment) .tex file works fine and - surprisingly :o :o - I'm able to compile it without errors.
Why does the 2nd file work and the 1st doesn't?
Thanks in advance
the .log of main file
(16.56 KiB) Downloaded 190 times
the working .tex file
(917 Bytes) Downloaded 162 times
the "main" .tex file - it includes another file with the text
(18.11 KiB) Downloaded 174 times

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