I have been (ugh) forced to use the Times New Roman font and, to do so, have added the \usepackage(pslatex). The result looks like Times New Roman when compared to a WORD document, but the \fontsize command does not seem to set the font size.
It appears that the section headings are 12 point and the text is 10 point.
What else am I to do?
Fonts & Character Sets ⇒ font size with Times New Roman
font size with Times New Roman
pslatex is a pretty old package. The days, most people get Times fonts in LaTeX by using either the mathptmx or txfonts package.
In either case, it should be possible to set the font size the normal way, e.g., by putting "12pt" or whatever in the options for the document class:
The other font selection commands, e.g., \Large, \small, \footnotesize, etc., should work properly.
If you have more stringent requirements, please be specific about them, and perhaps provide a minimal working example.
And by the way, none of these provide "Times New Roman". They provide Nimbus Roman L, which is a Times clone (not a Times New Roman clone: compare the italic z for example). Most people cannot tell the difference, however.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
If you have more stringent requirements, please be specific about them, and perhaps provide a minimal working example.
And by the way, none of these provide "Times New Roman". They provide Nimbus Roman L, which is a Times clone (not a Times New Roman clone: compare the italic z for example). Most people cannot tell the difference, however.
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:50 pm
Re: font size with Times New Roman
Thanks again frabjous. This looks close enough to Times New Roman for me.