GeneralIs there a way to see what commands TeXnicCenter executed?

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Is there a way to see what commands TeXnicCenter executed?

Post by kcoombs »

I am writing a perl script that generates the LaTeX markup for a picture directory. Now, I would like to have the script generate the PDF from the LaTex as well.

So far, I have just been generating the LaTex, then opening it in TeXnicCenter. I change the output profile to LaTeX -> PDF and build it. Everything works great. I would just like to execute the commands that TeXnicCenter is executing myself from my script, but the output window does not show this.

Does anybody know how to get this information, or know the necessary command(s) to accomplish this?


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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: Is there a way to see what commands TeXnicCenter executed?

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi kcoombs,

go to the menu: Build/ Define output profiles, there you can see what will be executed for each profile.

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Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:42 am

Re: Is there a way to see what commands TeXnicCenter executed?

Post by kcoombs »

Awesome! Thanks.

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