Im using the glossaries package to create a list of acronyms and a list of symbols. Im also using the fancyhdr package to put my chapter name in the header on the left and the section name on the right of the header.
The problem im having is that when i use the \printglossary command i cant find a way to suppress the chapter title appearing in the left of the header on the second and susequent pages of the gloassaries.
For example, in the acronyms glossary the first page is fine because its a chapter start so theres no header, but the second page has "Acronyms" printed in the left AND right of the header (which doesnt look great). Typically I use the command \lhead{} or \rhead{} to switch off the right or left entry in the header (ive done this successfully in the table of contants and list of figures) but this does not seem to work with in the glossaries.
Hopefully somebody can help, and may know whether the glossaries package overrides the \head{} and/or \rhead{} command. What ive tried so far is
-changing the \acronymname to blank {unfortunately then i dont get a chapter title at all at the start of the gloassry so this isnt an acceptable solution}
-using the lhead{} and rhead{} commands before and after the \printglossaries command... they seem to get ignored (as discussed above)
-playing around with a custom created glossary with no success at all.
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
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Code, edit and compile here:
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{report}\usepackage{fullpage} % general page formatting\usepackage{fancyhdr} % fancy header package\usepackage[acronym]{glossaries}% with acronyms,notree or longstyles \usepackage{lipsum}\newglossary{symbols}{sym}{sbl}{List of Symbols}\makeglossaries%\newglossaryentry{th}{type=symbols,name={$TH$},sort=th,description={throughput}}\newacronym{ic}{IC}{integrated circuit}\pagestyle{fancy}%\begin{document}\chapter{Sample Chapter}\section{Sample Section}\lipsumnow ill try my two glossary entries \gls{ic} and \gls{th}\fancyhead[L]{}%should set chapter name and no. in left mark as blank\makeglossaries\end{document}