MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and Acronyms"Couldn't find input index file" error using TeXnicCenter

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"Couldn't find input index file" error using TeXnicCenter

Post by viga01 »

Hello there,
I am a complete begineer with Latex. I have been reading a lot and checked a bunch of topics on this forum. I am using TeXnicCenter, and MiKTeX 2.8 on Windows XP.

I can't make any glossaries, index or nomenclature works. I am copying others people code, but nothing works. I feel the issue is outside the code itself.

Here is an example that I have been trying to do:

Code: Select all



\newglossaryentry{hope}{name=hope,description={I am loosing it!}}
I hope it could work \gls{hope}!!!

I am getting the following message:
"Couldn't find input index file C:\test3\test3 nor C:\test3\test3.idx"

Many thanks in advance if someone can help me!

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"Couldn't find input index file" error using TeXnicCenter

Post by Montag »

Code: Select all

is missing. Also make sure the output profile uses the makeindex.exe correctly. :)
OS: Win 7 64-bit LaTeX: MikTeX 2.9 64-bit Editor: TXC 1 RC1
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"Couldn't find input index file" error using TeXnicCenter

Post by viga01 »

I think I found how to do it using Windows command prompt, using this Know How Article.
I am close to give up with TeXnicCenter...
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"Couldn't find input index file" error using TeXnicCenter

Post by Montag »

I tried to read through that tutorial too once upon a time. It's really big and informative; but for me, it was quite the overachievement and I'll probably never use "glossaries", "acronym" has been sufficent for me so far. You should definitely look for acronym or similar packages before giving up on TXC.

You still haven't reported on progress on how to deal with the output profile. So what's your status there? :)
OS: Win 7 64-bit LaTeX: MikTeX 2.9 64-bit Editor: TXC 1 RC1
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Re: "Couldn't find input index file" error using TeXnicCente

Post by viga01 »

I will be testing this again issue in a few weeks... thanks for the follow up and sorry, I am currently in the lab getting data! :)
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"Couldn't find input index file" error using TeXnicCenter

Post by sommerfee »

viga01 wrote:I am close to give up with TeXnicCenter...
If you are a beginner of LaTeX I would recommend giving up TeXnicCenter and using TeXworks instead anyway. (TeXworks is already installed on your computer.)
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"Couldn't find input index file" error using TeXnicCenter

Post by mariamelansary »

Montag wrote:

Code: Select all

is missing. Also make sure the output profile uses the makeindex.exe correctly. :)
where should I add \makeindex code??
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"Couldn't find input index file" error using TeXnicCenter

Post by 0.8.15 »

What "mariamelansary" means is that you can work with:

Code: Select all

instead of the package glossary, I guess
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Re: "Couldn't find input index file" error using TeXnicCente

Post by viga01 »

Hi everyone, after trying to solve this problem on different computers, I figured out that the problem was solved after I installed Pearl...
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"Couldn't find input index file" error using TeXnicCenter

Post by jasperkas »

I just solved the same error by running Update in MiKTeX.

I remembered that the error arose due to a failed update yesterday and restarted my PC to solve the update error.
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