DevelopmentTeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 3 (Build 1118) Issues

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TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 3 (Build 1118) Issues

Post by kiley »

A little issue with reloading an opened text document, being edited outside the TxC:
1. Open a document
2. Edit the file outside the TxC
3. Then the TxC will suggest you to reload the file: Press "Yes"
4. After that, TxC shows that the document has been changed (an asterisk near the file name in the document tab), but actually the "on screen" version of the document is the same as "on disk", so no asterisk should be displayed.

After couple of hours of debugging *.aux files, found some usability problems:
The abovementioned "reload suggestion" window is a bit annoying: one would like to see a "don't ask again" checkbox in it.
One would also like to use "Esc" button to close any messagebox.

Another problem soumteimes occurs when trying to view the compiled *.pdf file: an error "Cannot execute the command. [DocOpen("%bm.pdf")][FileOpen("%bm..." appears.
The only way to make TxC work normally again is to restart it.
(This is an old bug: the same problem was in previous version too)

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