CrazyHorse wrote:
your PSTricks files are really out of date, update your system.
well I thought I've updated them last night, maybe my MikTeX haven't noticed something. I'll try to update them once more, if that won't help, maybe I should try to update them manualy?
then send the file list which is at the end of your log file
when you have
as first line in your document.
I'm trying to update them once more by MikTeX, somehow (probably it found a better repository) he found now quite a lot of packages, that need to be also updated. I wonder how long it'll take - my internet connection isn't as fast aas i could wish for, I'll write how is my progres and did it help as soon as I'll finish:)
lanmmt wrote:I'm trying to update them once more by MikTeX, somehow (probably it found a better repository) he found now quite a lot of packages, that need to be also updated. I wonder how long it'll take - my internet connection isn't as fast aas i could wish for, I'll write how is my progres and did it help as soon as I'll finish:)
I'm not shure why MikTeX couldn't work properly earlier (it didn't found all out of date packages). Perhaps it was because I too much folders with LaTeX packages. Now I hope it'll be working fine.
So greate thanks for all youre help
PS I don't know why, but i can't edit my first post in this topic, so i can't mark it with green checkmark:/