I'm writing a thesis. It comprises two parts (part I and II), multiple chapters within each part, sections within each chapter etc.
When I compile to pdf through pdflatex or tex>dvi>ps>pdf I get the following problems, which are, I assume, related to hyperref.
1) The "bookmarks" section of the pdf in acrobat (which is supposed to reflect the TOC) is wrong. I get the title of Part I, then indented the title of chapter I.1, but then everything else are put as sublevels inside chapter I.1. Something like that:
Part I title
.....L___ Chapter I.1 title
.................L___ Chapter I.2 etc.
2) Hyperlinks work ok for part I (links to equations, figures, tables etc.), but not in part II. In part II, when e.g. the same Chapter.Section.Equation Number exists in part I, then the link points there (to part I, that is). If the same reference does not exist in part I, then it's ok.
For example when I \ref an equation labeled II.1.2 (in part II, Chapter 1, equation 2) and an equation I.1.2 exists in part I, the link sends me to Eq.(I.1.2). If Eq. (I.1.2) does not exist, then the link works fine. I get the feeling that hyperref does not take the part number into account.
Any ideas?
Conversion Tools ⇒ hyperref and multiple parts in a document
hyperref and multiple parts in a document
I tried to reproduce your problem with a simple document but I didn't experience any trouble. Can you please post a minimal working example allowing us to reproduce the undesired bahaviour?
I tried to reproduce your problem with a simple document but I didn't experience any trouble. Can you please post a minimal working example allowing us to reproduce the undesired bahaviour?