Graphics, Figures & Tables\graphicspath

Information and discussion about graphics, figures & tables in LaTeX documents.
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Post by cue »

I´m fairly new to latex and I´m having trouble trying to understand how \graphicspath works. I work on multiple systems (Windows,Linux) and have my tex files on a network attached storage. From what I understand latex deals with relative paths. so say my main tex file is Main.tex with the path ¨/Main¨ I have my chapters in /Main/Chapters and my figures separated in individual folders for each chapter ¨/Main/Figures/Chaptername¨ with windows using Texniccentre with Miktex I added

%Paths for figures

to my main.tex file and everything worked fine. However, with linux using kile this does not work and none of my figures are found. What do I need to change to build my pdf in linux with kile?

any help is much appreciated.

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LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Re: \graphicspath

Post by cue »

hmmm...still haven't found a solution to this, nobody knows why it doesn't work under linux?
Posts: 32
Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 10:53 am


Post by alex »

The `//' syntax for searching sub-paths does not work with \graphicspath. It only works for environmental variables, such as TEXINPUTS. With \graphicspath you will have to specify the complete subfolder tree of the Figures folder.

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