Graphics, Figures & Tableshow to crop (trim) half of the picture?

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how to crop (trim) half of the picture?

Post by Turkurz »


how can I achieve to import only the left part of the picture?

I am using dpfloat package.

Currently I have:
\includegraphics[trim=0 0 1168 0, clip=true, width=\textwidth]{Image-JohnHowe-Moria.jpg}
\includegraphics[trim=1169 0 0 0, clip=true, width=\textwidth]{Image-JohnHowe-Moria.jpg}
What I would like is to have a large image on two pages on top of each page. I can't find any command like \width or \originalwidth, or \picturewidth or \imagewidth in order to trim only the left/right half of the picture.

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Re: how to crop (trim) half of the picture?

Post by nphaibk »

I have the same question, but not an answer :(

---------------GOT THE ANSWER-----------
1. add a new length command:
\newlength{\imagewidth} % the name can be chosen, e.g. picwidth...

2. before using \imagewidth, set the width of image to it by:

3. when using in calculation, remember to add {}, like this \imagewidth{}:
\includegraphics[trim = 0 0 0.5\imagewidth{} 0, clip=true, width=4cm]{yourimage} % get the left part of your image
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