GeneralDate placeholder

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Date placeholder

Post by div »


does TC provide a placeholder for the current date?
I want to add a date to the end of the file (e.g. document_30082010.pdf).

I guess you could do it with a small shell script defined as a post-processor.
But then the "viewer functionality" would be broken (open a PDF viewer after the compiling/postprocessing is finished), because you don't have the right filename - you would need something like %bm_%date.pdf.

Is there something like this in TC?

Last edited by div on Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Date placeholder

Post by frabjous »

I don't use TXC (or Windows for that matter), so I don't know the answer to your question, but unless you're really hurting for diskspace or something, I don't see why you couldn't have your post-processor shell script copy the file to a version that includes the date, rather than renaming it, while leaving one also without the date to work with the viewer. That one would constantly get overwritten, but the other one wouldn't.
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Re: Date placeholder

Post by div »

Thanks for your reply frabjous.
Yes, that workaround is working (and I'm using it so far).
Maybe the placeholder will be added in a future version.
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