BibTeX, biblatex and biberBibTeX style formatting not working

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BibTeX style formatting not working

Post by alex2747 »


I have tried to do some bibtex formatting myself, but without much of success. However, as far as I understood, the following below should give a well-formatted string as output (with format.eprint, using the fields eprint, archivePrefix and primaryClass). But when I run bibtex on my file, it just prints out nothing, although each of these fields (eprint, archivePrefix and primaryClass) are defined. Maybe I am doing something basically wrong, missing a * or a '?

I would appreciate any help on the issue.


Code: Select all

FUNCTION {format.archive}
  archivePrefix empty$
      { "" }
      { archivePrefix ":" *}

FUNCTION {format.primaryClass}
  primaryClass empty$
      { "" }
      { " [" primaryClass * "]" *}

FUNCTION {format.eprint}
{ eprint empty$
     { "" }
     {format.archive eprint * format.primaryClass * }
Last edited by alex2747 on Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: BibTeX style formatting not working

Post by olofos »

The functions look correct bu do not output anything, they just put a string on the stack. To output this string to the .bbl file you need to use the write$ function. Since you only posted a short snippet, I can't tell if you actually did that. To find the actual error I would need to see the full style file.

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Re: BibTeX style formatting not working

Post by alex2747 »


thanks for looking at that snippet, to assure it looks correct.
I made some more tests myself and found out, that the fields 'archivePrefix' and 'primaryClass' were not defined at the beginning of the bst file (because I had no idea that this is required). By doing so, I got it to work.


P.S. Do you have maybe one or two links to where I can find explained examples on how to develop the personal bst file? That would be very helpful... :)
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BibTeX style formatting not working

Post by localghost »

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BibTeX style formatting not working

Post by olofos »

I don't know on any complete examples (apart from any style file that comes with your TeX distribution), but for as a reference for the language I like »Tame the BeaST« and of course the original documentation by Oren Patashnik, which is available in the TeX distribution under the name »btxhak« (on TeX Live you find it by running "texdoc btxhak").
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