I have tried to do some bibtex formatting myself, but without much of success. However, as far as I understood, the following below should give a well-formatted string as output (with format.eprint, using the fields eprint, archivePrefix and primaryClass). But when I run bibtex on my file, it just prints out nothing, although each of these fields (eprint, archivePrefix and primaryClass) are defined. Maybe I am doing something basically wrong, missing a * or a '?
I would appreciate any help on the issue.
Code: Select all
FUNCTION {format.archive}
archivePrefix empty$
{ "" }
{ archivePrefix ":" *}
FUNCTION {format.primaryClass}
primaryClass empty$
{ "" }
{ " [" primaryClass * "]" *}
FUNCTION {format.eprint}
{ eprint empty$
{ "" }
{format.archive eprint * format.primaryClass * }