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Upper navigation bar

Post by Montag »

Hello to the admins,

is it possible and if yes, are you willing to, to change the upper navigation bar for the forum?
So that
? Please please please. :) :)
OS: Win 7 64-bit LaTeX: MikTeX 2.9 64-bit Editor: TXC 1 RC1

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Upper navigation bar

Post by frabjous »

I doubt the admins are going to take kindly to individual requests for changing the layout.

However, you can take matters into your own hands. If you're using Firefox or Chrome/Chromium, for example, you achieve something similar by, e.g., installing the Stylish plugin (Firefox version) or Chrome version, and then creating a style containng the following:

Code: Select all

@namespace url(;

@-moz-document domain("") {

#bottom-menu {
position: absolute !important; 
right: 0px !important;
top: 114px !important;
That should move the bottom menu to (more or less) where you want it. (Tweak the right: and top: numbers to put it just where you want it.)

You can do the same for most other browsers, but it's harder to explain how.
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