BibTeX, biblatex and biberlast author as <firstname> <lastname> in harvard custom .bst

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last author as <firstname> <lastname> in harvard custom .bst

Post by tropicofvector »

Dear all,

I've created a custom .bst file with makebst, based on the harvard package. It worked quite well and I like the look of most of the items.

However, in the ref list, there's one thing that bugs me. The format for more than one author for the moment is (e.g., with a book)

Doe, John & Smith, Mary (2004). Title. Place: Publisher.

Whereas what I would want it to look like is

Doe, John & Mary Smith (2004). Title. Place: Publisher.

I've had a look at both the harvard documentation and the .bst file itself, but failed to identify what section could be responsible for that.

Is a format like this generally possible in harvard? And if so, what section of the .bst file would it be that needs changed? Or is there any custom code to be applied in the .tex itself?

Many thanks in advance!

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Re: last author as <firstname> <lastname> in harvard custom

Post by olofos »

It should be possible to change to .bst. However, since you are using your own custom style file, it is hard to tell exactly where to make the change. If you attach the .bst maybe someone could have a look.

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