I have a question: How can I set the heading in sans serif?
I thought the following code would work, but it does not.
That is the file stil.ist I call it viaquote '+'
headings_flag 1
heading_prefix "{\\bf\\huge\\sf "
heading_suffix "}\\nopagebreak%\n \\indexspace\\nopagebreak"
symhead_positive "Zahlen"
delim_0 "\\dotfill"
delim_1 "\\dotfill"
delim_2 "\\dotfill"
delim_r "~--~"
suffix_2p "`\\,f."
suffix_3p "`\\,ff."
item_0 "\n \\item\\normalsize "
item_01 "\n \\subitem\\small "
item_x1 "\n \\subitem\\small "
Code: Select all
-g -s stil.ist "%bm"
Code: Select all
heading_prefix "{\\bf\\huge\\sf "