Page LayoutLayout with marginal notes (memoir class)

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Layout with marginal notes (memoir class)

Post by athel »

I have a document that looks the way I want on A4 paper with a 24 x 17 cm print area, but I need to modify it to have a text area of 19 cm high x 9.5 cm wide, with marginal notes 4 cm wide separated by 0.6 cm from the main text. As far as I can work out from the layout chapter of the memoir manual (which I have read and re-read all day), the following should produce the desired result:

\documentclass[a4paper]{memoir} %A4 paper because that what my printer uses; the final size will be about B5


\checkandfixthelayout %gives no errors

\chapter{Introduction} \label{chap:introduction}

\section{A section title} \label{sec:escom}

\markboth{\ref{chap:introduction}. Introduction}{\ref{sec:escom} A section title}

Enough text to fill more than two pages, with two marginal notes, one on p. 1, the other on p. 2.



1. The main text is 12 cm wide, not 9.5 cm (but the text height is 19.7 cm as expected).

2. The print area is centred on even-numbered pages, but not on odd-numbered pages (so on these pages marginal notes extend outside the page).

3. The headers are 9.5 cm wide -- as asked for, but not the same as the text width.
This is the PDF file from my best effort
(22.1 KiB) Downloaded 500 times

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Layout with marginal notes (memoir class)

Post by meho_r »

1. Dimension settings go before \begin{document} (i.e. in the preamble).

2. If you still have problems with memoir's way of defining dimension settings, why not using geometry package instead? Here's an example:

Code: Select all

\documentclass[a4paper]{memoir} %A4 paper because that what my printer uses; the final size will be about B5
\usepackage{lipsum}% just for generating some dummy text


%\checkandfixthelayout %gives no errors


\chapter{Introduction} \label{chap:introduction}

\section{A section title} \label{sec:escom} 

\markboth{\ref{chap:introduction}. Introduction}{\ref{sec:escom} A section title}

Enough\marginpar{A margin note that goes over two lines} text to fill more than two pages, with two marginal notes, one on p. 1, the other on p. 2.


Some text.\marginpar{Another margin note that goes over two lines}

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Re: Layout with marginal notes (memoir class)

Post by athel »

Thanks. This solved the problem, though I'm a little puzzled, because I thought I'd tried this before posting my original query, and only put the sizing information in the document itself after I'd had a series of errors when I put the same lines in the preamble (mainly "missing \begin{document}").
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