Fonts & Character SetsUsing Rupee Font In Latex

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Using Rupee Font In Latex

Post by arvind »


How can we use the latest rupee symbol in LaTeX. It will be very useful as everyone is trying to use it which is evident at .

If the instruction is provided we can post it over there so that everyone can start using it.

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Using Rupee Font In Latex

Post by frabjous »

Using it with regular LaTeX would require converting it to a Type1 font and doing some other alterations, but you could use it with XeLaTeX as is, like so:

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\setmainfont{Rupee Foradian}
Don't get used to this procedure, however, as it won't last. Unicode may or may not approve the new symbol, but in the meantime, the symbol should have been placed in the private use area of the unicode blocks, not made to be a replacement for the backtick ` -- that's very bad form, and whoever made that font really should have known better than to use such a hack.
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Using Rupee Font In Latex

Post by localghost »

According to some blog entries it will take some time until the symbol will show up on computers [1,2]. But with a little luck TeX users will enjoy that earlier. It could be similar to our European currency symbol for the Euro (€).

Until somebody comes up with an appropriate package like eurosym, you could use a workaround in form of the symbol as small graphic. A cropped EPS file that I got from the website you mentioned together with a converted PDF is attached.

[1] Slashdot Your Rights Online: India's New Rupee Symbol Won't Show On Computers
[2] India's new Rupee symbol won't show soon on computers | ITworld
The new Indian Rupee symbol in EPS and PDF format.
(5.71 KiB) Downloaded 577 times
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Re: Using Rupee Font In Latex

Post by arvind »


How can we initiate the process of creating a package for rupee symbol in Latex like how eurosym is implemented so that everyone can start using the symbol right away.
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Using Rupee Font In Latex

Post by localghost »

As I read today on the CTAN Announcement List, the new version 4.8.4 of the libertine font package contains the new Rupee symbol. So the assumptions about its availability in the blogs I linked in my last reply have been confirmed. Perhaps other font or symbol packages will follow in the near future.
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Using Rupee Font In Latex

Post by localghost »

Today the new tfrupee font package has been uploaded to CTAN. It provides support for the new (Indian) Rupee symbol.

There is a small typo in the package code so that it identifies itself as »tfupee«. This will cause a warning but should not affect its functionality in general.
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Using Rupee Font In Latex

Post by metric »


After installing the tfrupee package, I used \rupee to get the symbol, however the output shows '--' instead of the symbol.

I checked the document properties of the dvi file, it showed
tfrupee >>>Not loadable-double click to see details, I dbl click and a dialog box poped up with the msg, Attempted an unsupported operation.

My code is

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the new rupee symbol \rupee
I also tried Refresh FNDB, and Update Formats from miktex settings, however still the same issue

Please assist,

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Using Rupee Font In Latex

Post by lemaindedieu »

Are you on a Linux distribution? If yes, see this page for full details. Here are the key steps.
  1. Download the tfrupee package available at CTAN. It's a 1.5MB zip file named
  2. Run the following to install tfrupee.

    Code: Select all

    cd tfrupee/
    sudo cp -rv fonts/type1/tfrupee/ /usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/
    sudo cp -rv fonts/afm/tfrupee/ /usr/share/texmf/fonts/afm/
    sudo cp -rv fonts/tfm/tfrupee/ /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/
    sudo cp -rv fonts/map/dvips/tfrupee/ /usr/share/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/
    sudo cp -rv fonts/source/tfrupee/ /usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/
    sudo cp -rv tex/latex/tfrupee/ /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/
    sudo texhash
    sudo updmap-sys --enable
  3. Test it with this simple tex file.

    Code: Select all

    Code, edit and compile here:

With pdflatex, or latex/dvips, you shouldn't see any messages from tex about inability to create bitmap fonts for tfrupee.
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