General[glossaries] output depending on definition of a userkey

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[glossaries] output depending on definition of a userkey

Post by redted »

edited:Added minimal example and desired output vs generated output

since i have not found a more suiting subforum i'll post this in general.

I use the glossaries package and would like to have different output in the glossarie depending on wether the user1-key (key the package provides as options for the entries) has been defined or not.

I am trying to do this by putting the following into a style definition (for a tabular style thats why there are ampersands and double backslashes):

Code: Select all

\renewcommand*{\glossaryentryfield}[5]{\bfseries{\glstarget{##1}{##2}} & ##3 \\
    it & is very empty \\
    & \glsentryuseri{##1} \\%

which however results in the following error(s):

Code: Select all

! Undefined control sequence. \ifempty l.49 \setentrycounter{page}\glsnumberformat{a}}} % The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., \hobx'), typeI' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
I assume it has something to do with the order of the expansion/evaluation.

Greetings ted

P.S.: This is a Crosspost from here (were it has not been answered for 2 days) : ... -userkey-h

Minimal example (almost), the part with "\renewcommand*{\glossaryentryfield}" is the important one:

Code: Select all

% put the glossary in a longtable environment:
\renewcommand*{\glossaryentryfield}[5]{\bfseries{\glstarget{##1}{##2}} & ##3 \\
	it & is very empty \\
& \glsentryuseri{##1} \\%
\renewcommand*{\glsgroupskip}{& \\}%


\newacronym[type=abk,user1={my longer description}]{abba}{abba}{Band}




\bfseries{abba} & Band \\
 & my longer description \\
\bfseries{abc} & Alphabet \\

Sample of output (top) and desired output (bottom)
I am aware that i have to remove the line "it & is very empty \\" in the if-branch, however this line is for debugging to show that both parts of the if seem to be evaluated
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Last edited by redted on Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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[glossaries] output depending on definition of a userkey

Post by nlct »

\ifempty isn't defined in standard LaTeX, which is what's causing the error message. You can use the ifmtarg package, which provides the internal command \@ifmtarg. For example:

Code: Select all





& #3 \\
  {it &is very empty}%
  { &\glsentryuseri{#1}}%

  description={sample without user 1 key}}

  description={sample with user 1 key},
  user1={User1 Value}}

\gls{sample}, \gls{sample2}.

Nicola Talbot
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[glossaries] output depending on definition of a userkey

Post by redted »

Thank you very much Nicola, the solution works just fine. I stumbled briefly over the fact that i have to use two '#' instead of one '#' if I want too use that in the definition of a new \newglossarystyle enviornment

For my purposes the glossaryentryfield has to look like this:

Code: Select all

& #3 \\
  { &\glsentryuseri{#1}\\}%
thus only creating rows if the field has been defined.

Thanks again ted
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[glossaries] output depending on definition of a userkey

Post by eezacque »

Struggling with exactly the same problem. However, the example by Nicola Talbot gives me a single line of output, with just "sample, sample2." Is this supposed to be a working example?
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