Fonts & Character SetsFont size does not change

Information and discussion about fonts and character sets (e.g. how to use language specific characters)
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Font size does not change

Post by abhijit_becs »

Hi all,

While writing my PhD thesis, I found the following problems.

AS required by graduate office, I need to use 1.5 inch top and bottom margin on regular pages. I tried many many things including changing \textheight etc but didnt work that much. When I am able to make my bottom margin 1.5inch, the top margin remains way above 1.5inch. Is there any way I can fit the requirement?

Another problem is when I try to change the size of the font like

Surprisingly the font size in my thesis is reducing like 10pt scale.

Any help would greatly be appreciated.
Last edited by abhijit_becs on Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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torbjorn t.
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Font size does not change

Post by torbjorn t. »

Take a look at the geometry package, that allows you to set the margins very easily.

As for you second issue, the standard classes only allow 10pt, 11pt or 12pt as a class option, 10pt being default. The memoir class on the other hand allows for other sizes.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Font size does not change

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

abhijit_becs wrote: Another problem is when I try to change the size of the font like
Surprisingly the font size in my thesis is reducing like 10pt scale.
you could use extreport, it allows base font sizes between 8 and 20pt, also 14pt.

I would prefer scrreprt, it allows arbitrary base font sizes given in arbitrary units. But more important, it provides a lot more features than report.

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Font size does not change

Post by localghost »

If you want to stay with a standard class, try the classes from the extsizes bundle.

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Font size does not change

Post by abhijit_becs »

torbjorn t. wrote:Take a look at the geometry package, that allows you to set the margins very easily.

As for you second issue, the standard classes only allow 10pt, 11pt or 12pt as a class option, 10pt being default. The memoir class on the other hand allows for other sizes.
Thanks!. I am working with the geometry package now.
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Font size does not change

Post by abhijit_becs »

Stefan_K wrote:Hi,
abhijit_becs wrote: Another problem is when I try to change the size of the font like
Surprisingly the font size in my thesis is reducing like 10pt scale.
you could use extreport, it allows base font sizes between 8 and 20pt, also 14pt.

I would prefer scrreprt, it allows arbitrary base font sizes given in arbitrary units. But more important, it provides a lot more features than report.

Thanks! It worked!
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