Community talkNew England LaTeX community?

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New England LaTeX community?

Post by aaronchall »

I'm going to be moving up from Pensacola to the NYC/Boston area, and I want to meet up with LaTeX users, geeks, etc... as I go around. How's the LaTeX community in New England? I don't think I can bring myself to drop my R's or y'all's... but we'll see how it goes.
Ubuntu 9.10, learning LaTeX, mostly muddling through templates and Lyx, tell me to RTFM if you can tell me WHICH FM

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Re: New England LaTeX community?

Post by frabjous »

I live in New England (Western Mass), and pronounce my R’s. I don’t know of any communities out this way, though Boston is more likely have something. If you do hear of anything, let us know.
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