Hi all,
I'm working on Sign Language and need to put some information about hand shapes in latex. I'm looking for a character that is essentially a capital G with two parallel lines on top, on top of which there are three single dots.
That is, something like the following (just in a single character):
I tried latex's standard symbol catalog, as well as IPA, phonetic, and convington packages -- but without luck.
Alternatively, does anyone know a set of latex symbols that depict ASL (American Sign Language) hand shapes and/or those from other sign languages?
Thanks a lot!
Fonts & Character Sets ⇒ sign language characters
sign language characters
I just solved the G-issue:
using the amsmath package I can simply put
Still, if anyone knows a set of latex symbols for hand shapes, I'd greatly appreciate a hint 
using the amsmath package I can simply put
Code: Select all

sign language characters
If you know of a truetype or opentype font with the hand shapes you could use XeLaTeX with the fontspec package. Otherwise, you might need to resort to including images of the hand shapes instead.
Re: sign language characters
Thank you, frabjous -- the package works. However, since the SL fonts that I have don't look too nice, I think I'll rather go for pictures ...