I've seen two errors in your code that have nothing to do with negative numbers or \neq: here are the correct last three lines:
Moreover, one shouldn't use eqnarray any more,as the horizontal spacing isn't too good, and I've heard it's more or less incompatible with amsmath. You should use the align* environment from amsmath. Here's a more correct (and simpler) code:
$-7$ & 1 & 0 \\
2 & $-1$ & 3 \\
4 & 1 & 6
$-1$ & 3 \\
1 & 6
2 & 3 \\
4 & 6
\end{vmatrix} \\
&=(-7 \times -9) - (-1 \times 0) \\
I would recommend two guides: for maths typesetting in LaTeX: Herbert Voss's mathmode.pdf and Mark Trettin's l2tabu for obsolete commands and packages;here are links:
http://www.dante.de/CTAN/info/math/voss ... thmode.pdf
http://www.dante.de/CTAN/info/l2tabu/en ... tabuen.pdf
(there are also french, german, italian and spanish versions of this one)