Hi there.
I am using monkeytex nearly exclusively. It has proved very useful when you're working in different environments and don't want to carry your own PC around with you.
I've tried other online editors and they didn't work that stable and conveniently. There's a plugin for google docs which might become an alternative. In the meantime I recommend http://monkeytex.bradcater.webfactional.com
to anyone in an analogue situation.
Now there are some limits to monkeytex. I am doing a lot math and a lot music notation, both of these tasks suitable to fathom the limits of a specific instance of latex: not every package in the world is supported by monkeytex, so in many cases you have to find workarounds or use the lower level and less convenient package, because you can't change the very instance of latex you use. But it is worth it.
The real disadvantage of monkeytex seems to me not the limits in the range of packages, but the fact that there seems to be no monkextey community in which we could discuss all that. For example I currently would like to know how to download the .tex file via the API but I don't know whom to ask except writing an email to the providers.
So I'd like to make the discussion of these subjects part of this great LateX community, if you don't mind. What I still don't know is how to join the monkeytex threads together. Would it be a good idea to form a subforum about online editors?
Thanks a lot for providing this forum.