I have a lot of TeX-files, like that
Code: Select all
\input my-macros-and-packages-define-all-that-need.tex
Useful Content
(documentclass, ifpdf, hyperref setiing, macroses and so on) are
hidden from content writer.
And all these files in "cp1251" encoding.
All OK with latex and pdflatex.
But then I try to use xetex, I need to specify
Code: Select all
\XeTeXinputencoding "cp1251"
Code: Select all
\XeTeXdefaultencoding "cp1251"
does not affect to main file.
Is it possible to specify input encoding of LaTeX files
without XeTeX-specific instructions in main file?
May be exist command line parameters to xetex or something else?
Thanks all in advance,
Sincerely, Stas Fomin