Graphics, Figures & Tables2*2 subfigure - how to?

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2*2 subfigure - how to?

Post by jiapei100 »

Hi, all:

I'm trying to arrange 8 figures into 2 subfigures, each of size 2*2.
Namely, I would like to arrange two groups of figures with only 2 captions,
each group has 4 figures. But, to arrange 4 figures in a row will be out of the range. And I've got to arrange 4 figures in the form of 2*2.

So the question could be, how to "change lines" in a subfigure??
Adding "\\" at the end of the 2nd figure doesn't help at all.
My current code for one group of images is like:

Code: Select all

\subfigure[caption 1]{
Please can anybody help?


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2*2 subfigure - how to?

Post by gmedina »


the following example shows how to proceed using the subfig package:

Code: Select all



  \caption{First group of subfigures.}
  \caption{Second group of subfigures.}

Note that I used the demo package option for graphicx to render my example compilable for everyone; do not include that option in your actual code. Of course, use the options for the figures according to your needs.

Another approach could be to use the subcaption package.
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2*2 subfigure - how to?

Post by jiapei100 »

Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

1) What is the relationship between these two packages subfigure and subfig?
Are they compatible? I mean, can I use both packages at the same time?

Code: Select all

2) It looks you created two figures, rather than two subfigures embedded in a single figure.
What I need is something like

Code: Select all

\includegraphics12 \\ change line here
\includegraphics22 \\ change line here
Can you please help to just use subfigure package to realize the above required figures?

Thank you ...
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2*2 subfigure - how to?

Post by gmedina »

jiapei100 wrote:Thank you very much for your prompt reply...
You're welcome.
jiapei100 wrote:...What is the relationship between these two packages subfigure and subfig?...
subfigure is an obsolete package and it shouldn't be used anymore.
jiapei100 wrote:...What I need is something like...
The quickest solution then is to use the subcaption package that I suggested before:

Code: Select all



    \subcaption{First subfigure.}
    \subcaption{Second subfigure.}

jiapei100 wrote:...Can you please help to just use subfigure package to realize the above required figures?...
I guess I could, but I won't; as I explained before, the subfigure package shouldn't be used anymore.
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2*2 subfigure - how to?

Post by localghost »

Perhaps I missed something. But didn't you ask similar questions before [1,2]? If the answers have not been satisfying, you could have posted your queries there. Nevertheless these topics are still awaiting your feedback.

[1] View topic: Group 12 subfigures in 2 groups, 2 captions....
[2] View topic: Align subfigures by columns...

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