Code: Select all
\fontspec{Adobe Caslon Pro}
Text goes here
Code: Select all
\fontspec{Adobe Caslon Pro}
Text goes here
Here is a minimum example:
Code: Select all
\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text} %converts quotes, dashes, ... to unicode
\setromanfont [Ligatures={Common},Numbers={OldStyle}]{Adobe Caslon Pro}
\fontspec{Adobe Caslon Pro}
\noindent This is a line with size 18pt and \\
leading of 20 pt
\fontspec{Adobe Caslon Pro}
\noindent This is a line with size 18pt and \\
leading of 30 pt. Why is there no difference?
\fontspec{Adobe Caslon Pro}
\noindent Changing the font size works \\
But the leading has no change
\fontspec{Adobe Caslon Pro}
\noindent It only works \\
If you remove the curly braces. Why???