GeneralCreating logarithm tables automatically

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Creating logarithm tables automatically

Post by dmuthu_cse »

Hello friends,

I need to create logirthm and antilogrithm tables. And is there any code to generate the logirthm and antilogrithm table automatically.

Expecting your suggestions and solutions.


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Creating logarithm tables automatically

Post by gmedina »

Hi, Muthu

you could use the fp package (for floating point operations) and a loop (using the ifthen or multido packages, for example). A little example that calculates the natural logarithm of integer values 1<=t<=1000:

Code: Select all



% the counter for the loop
% the command that stores logarithms


 {\stepcounter{mycount}\makebox[4em]{\themycount}% steps the counter and typesets the value of t
    \FPln{\natlogoft}{\themycount}\natlogoft\\}% calculates Ln(t) and typsets it

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Joined: Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:56 pm

Re: Creating logarithm tables automatically

Post by dmuthu_cse »

Thanks Gmedina for quick help.

It is much useful to me.

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