Here is some code
Code: Select all
I'd like to cite \cite{Cohen:2005p8599}
Code: Select all
author = {Randolph Cohen and Joshua Coval and L̆ubos̆ Pastor},
journal = {Journal of Finance},
title = {Judging Fund Managers by the Company They Keep},
abstract = {This is really abstract},
rating = {0}
And the pdflatex gives me this error:\begin{thebibliography}{1}
Randolph Cohen, Joshua Coval, and LÃÜubosÃÜ Pastor.
\newblock Judging fund managers by the company they keep.
\newblock {\em Journal of Finance}.
! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:̆ not set up for use with LaTeX.
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (TeX Live 2009)
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009) (format=pdflatex 2009.11.7)
So, it looks like BibTeX isn't converting the characters correctly. Thoughts?