GeneralFramed text with footnote

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Framed text with footnote

Post by NinV »


I need to put a footnote in a framed text.

I tried this:

Code: Select all

\framebox[\textwidth]{like this
* Matematika problemo\footnote{\textit{Ha\^{g}i} estas en islamaj landoj la titolo de tiu, kiu pilgrimis al Mako. \^{G}i estas uzata kiel parto de la nomo.} 
but the footnote is not diplayed at the bottom of the page.

I did some search on the web but I wasn't able to find a solution.

Can you help me?

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Framed text with footnote

Post by gmedina »

Hi Nino,

use \footnotemark, \footnotetex:

Code: Select all


\framebox[\textwidth]{like this * Matematika problemo\footnotemark 

\footnotetext{\textit{Ha\^{g}i} estas en islamaj landoj la titolo de tiu, kiu pilgrimis al Mako. \^{G}i estas uzata kiel parto de la nomo.}

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Re: Framed text with footnote

Post by NinV »

Hi gmedina,

thank you very much. You helped me again!

I wonder why I couldn't find this solution on the web :oops:

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Framed text with footnote

Post by localghost »

In principal you can find this solution in every basic LaTeX documentation. The solution provided by gmedina works in every case where usual footnotes are not allowed.

Best regards
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Framed text with footnote

Post by NinV »

When I have a problem, firstly I browse the documentation I downloaded, then I browse the web... and after some days of browsing I ask for help.

The problem is that the documentation is as an ocean... and in most cases, chiefly in case of packages, not well done, e.g. they don't give any example.

For instance because I needed a multipage framed box I used the package "framed". In its documentation is written:
The contents of the framed regions are restricted: Floats, footnotes, marginpars and head-line entries will be lost.
but the gmedina's solution is not mentioned.

I know that all authors are working for free and nobody can ask them to supply a commercial-like product, so I'm not criticizing anyone: I'm really very grateful to them!

And I'm also very grateful to this forum whose members are very kind (in contrast with a lot of Italian forums).

I hope I won't need to bother you for too long.

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