Working in collaboration with Steve, who designed LatexRender, we've now released the second version of our web-based equation editor. To see the editor in action goto: http://www.codecogs.com/components/equa ... editor.php
This editor is free to use. You can also download the source it onto your own website. And we also offer (for lite websites) the option of generating latex equation using a image url, i.e. <img src="http://www.codecogs.com/eq.latex?%20\oint_{a}^{b}%20\frac{sin(x)}{x}%20dx"/>
The new design is made to facilitate easy adaption to your specific needs.
Installation instructions are here: http://www.codecogs.com/components/equa ... nstall.htm
We're very keen to evolve this editor further and would welcome suggestions and even help with its development.