GeneralMinion Pro

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Re: Minion Pro

Post by nathan.stjohn »

Ah, I think I know at least part of the problem now! Thanks for the extra explanation. When I downloaded lcdf, I got Akira Kakuto's W32TeX, which the site said was a windows port. I extracted those files and put them in a folder and forgot about them. Since now it appears that it is the source of all those missing files from before, I have to figure out how to install it. The documentation said to run 'texinst757,' but when I do so, I get a rather involved message:

Simple installer of W32TeX (Web2C-7.5.7)

Usage: texinst757 dir

dir is an absolute path of the directory where the packages are saved. Example: texinst757 c:/windows/temp. The current directory should be the installation directory of W32TeX, e.g., c:/usr/local. It is assumed that tar.exe, gzip.exe, and bzip2.exe can be found in the command PATH.

After this message appears, I'm sent back to the command prompt and nothing happens. I don't know what packages the message is talking about in the first sentence, so I'm probably just pointing it to the wrong place. I'm guessing that once I get this to work, I'll get the exe files that convert.bat needs to make the pfb files. Thanks so much for all the help! I really want to use MinionPro in my documents, so I'm probably being a little obsessive.

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Re: Minion Pro

Post by balf »

Personally I downloaded only the lcdf type tools from his website, un-tar.bz2 them in an lcdf/directory, found out what to move and where, and everything went all right.

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Re: Minion Pro

Post by nathan.stjohn »

What did you download from his site? I only saw one file for Windows and that's the one I got. Also, what does it mean to 'un-tar.bz2 them in an lcdf/directory?' I did extract the files into a folder, but from there I don't know what to do.
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Re: Minion Pro

Post by balf »

Here is the exact link to what I downloaded: ... 32.tar.bz2

It only contains the lcdf type tools as a stand-alone application. Of course, I had to move convert.bat as explained before in order to obtain the .pfb's.

By un-tar.bz2, I just meant extracting the files since they were compressed as .tar.bz2

Kubla Khan
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Re: Minion Pro

Post by Kubla Khan »

I've found this thread while searching for the instructions on how to install the same fonts.

But in that .tar.bz2 archive, there is NO convert.bat file! :shock: And since I can't even get the first step done, I can't proceed in installing these fonts.

The PFB files is all I need? I don't need to convert in any other format?
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Minion Pro

Post by step »

Kubla Khan wrote:... But in that .tar.bz2 archive, there is NO convert.bat file! :shock: ...

Since I was trying the whole afternoon to install the Adobe Minion Pro on my MiKTeX 2.8 System (Windows based) and tested various methods, now I'll list the whole procedure after wich I was successfull at the end.
(Basically I followed the steps explained by balf in the second posting.)

You need to download the LCDF Type Tools from .
Here is the direct download link for Windows: ... 32.tar.bz2

Unzip the file on your hard drive (I used the 7-Zip program). It will unzip lcdf-typetools-w32.tar.bz2 to lcdf-typetools-w32.tar, then you need to unszip lcdf-typetools-w32.tar too!
This will create two subfolders: \bin and \share
In the folder \bin you'll find the EXEcutables you'll need for the convertion of the Adobe MinionPro typeset files (the .otf files).

You need the MinionPro typeset files. If you use Acrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat, then go to its program folder and look for a folder called Font. (I've found mine in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Resource\Font ). There you'll find four files called MinionPro-Bold.otf | MinionPro-BoldIt.otf | MinionPro-It.otf | MinionPro-Regular.otf (or mybe some more MinionPro* files).
These are the Minion Pro typeset files!

Go to the MinionPro LaTeX project page here: (in German)
Here is the whole list of project files: ... up_id=2184
Or if you prefer the CTAN repository:
(to my knowledge, these are the same files)

You need these files:

Code: Select all 
  README (just in case you are curious about the metrics*.zip and enc*.zip variations)
Download them, unzip in a separate folder and there you will find the very important file convert.bat (it will handle the *.otf files) !! Beside that there is a subfolder called \otf . As you suppose: put all the MinionPro*.otf files from step 3) in this folder.

Go to the \bin folder from step 2) and copy the contents to the folder where convert.bat from step 4) is placed. Execute convert.bat
This will create a subfolder called \pfb with the converted typeset files.

Copy these files in the MiKTeX subfolder \fonts\type1\adobe\minionpro
(you will need to create the last subfolder \minionpro inside \adobe)

Unzip the following files:

Code: Select all
in the MiKTeX main folder. (In my case it was C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.8\ )

Add the line

Code: Select all

to your updmap.cfg file.
(It's placed in C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.8\miktex\config . Alternatively search for it!)

Since this file is being overwritten each time you update your MiKTeX packages, I came across another method to permanently add this line. To do so, open a Console (Command window) and go to the MiKTeX subfolder ...\miktex\bin. From there type in the console:

Code: Select all

initexmf --edit-config-file updmap
and press Enter! A text editor should now pop-up with an empty file updmap.cfg
Copy & paste the following in the text editor:

Code: Select all

Save the file (just SAVE it, not Save as...!) and close the text editor.

Refresh the MiKTeX database.
To do so: go to the Start button -> All programs -> MiKTeX 2.8 -> Maintenance (Admin) and start Settings (Admin). Now your MiKTeX settings manager should pop-up.
In the General-window click on the button: Refresh FNDB

In the Console from step 8a) (which you hopefully didn't close yet) type:

Code: Select all

Press Enter and you're DONE! :D

This method is actually quite idiot-safe and at least worked for me.
Hopefully for all you others who are struggling with the MinionPro installation too!

Good luck! 8-)

PS: In MiKTeX 2.8 which I am currently using, the MnSymbol (math font support for MinionPro) is automatically loaded, when using MinionPro with \usepackage{MinionPro} so no need to install additional stuff to use MnSymbol. The only important thing: enable the "Install missing packages on-the-fly" in the Settings manager of MiKTeX.

PPS: By chance I came across another tutorial on how to install Minion Pro and Myriad Pro on Latex: ... 15&p=32503
It should work as well, though it's a bit different (especially where to put the fonts stuff). In that tutorialt it is well described how to use MinionPro in combination with MyriadPro as SansSerif for headings etc.
So dare a look at it! ;)
Last edited by step on Fri May 14, 2010 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kubla Khan
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Minion Pro

Post by Kubla Khan »

Thank you, step, could you tell me how can you set Myriad Pro to be the main sans serif font? :?:
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Minion Pro

Post by localghost »

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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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