BibTeX, biblatex and biberprint special entries of the bibtex database

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print special entries of the bibtex database

Post by hanshdk »


Is it possible only print certain entries of my bibtex reference.
For example I want to make a table that gives an overview of a list of journals:
Something like:

\usepackage[oxford, citefull=all]{jurabib}

where "\citekeyword{1}" references to the keyword of citation 1.

Thanks in advance!

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print special entries of the bibtex database

Post by jocom »


If I understand you correct, you should use the natbib package.
Checkout for more info.

You might be particularly interested in \citeindexfalse and \citeindextrue.

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Re: print special entries of the bibtex database

Post by fanmail »

The original problem as posted by hanshdk is also what I want to do.

I wish to include additional information on an article in the bibtex file (e.g. a short summary). Next, I wish to include that summary into my text by calling something like \summary{bibtex_key}.

I've taken a look at the suggestion by jocom to use \citeindexfalse and \citeindextrue in the natbib package. However, I can't see how this can be used to resolve the issue.

So, could anybody either further elaborate on jocim's solution or suggest a new one?
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