Fonts & Character SetsChanging Math Fonts

Information and discussion about fonts and character sets (e.g. how to use language specific characters)
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Changing Math Fonts

Post by youngprof »


I'm a young professor working on my first set of lecture notes for a class I'm teaching. For the formatting, I want to have two sorts of sections for the book: one for example problems and one for example solutions. To differentiate the two, I'd like to be able to put one into sans-serif fonts (or Euler fonts if that turns out easier but I'd prefer sans-serif). I know how to change the default text font back and forth but I'd like to have an easy way to change the math font too using a command in my environment, rather than having to put \mathsf{...} in every formula. Is there a good way to do this?


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Changing Math Fonts

Post by frabjous »

If you were OK with using XeLaTeX, the mathspec package could make this easy. (Read the documentation.)

I don't know offhand of a very easy way to do it with regular latex or pdflatex, but perhaps someone else will.
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Re: Changing Math Fonts

Post by Montag »

As a student, I can only say: Please don't do this, please don't do this. Please. :shock:
In fact, I've never seen any document formatted like you described it. :)
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Changing Math Fonts

Post by shadgrind »

You could try the font-change package. I've never used it, so I have no idea how it works.
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Changing Math Fonts

Post by rf »

youngprof wrote:
I'm a young professor working on my first set of lecture notes for a class I'm teaching. For the formatting, I want to have two sorts of sections for the book: one for example problems and one for example solutions. To differentiate the two, I'd like to be able to put one into sans-serif fonts (or Euler fonts if that turns out easier but I'd prefer sans-serif). I know how to change the default text font back and forth but I'd like to have an easy way to change the math font too using a command in my environment, rather than having to put \mathsf{...} in every formula. Is there a good way to do this?
the sansmath package (on ctan) might help -- see
docs at ... nsmath.pdf

(it has a rather limited range of fonts, so _do_
read the docs first.)
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Changing Math Fonts

Post by rf »

shadgrind wrote:You could try the font-change package. I've never used it, so I have no idea how it works.
it's a plain tex package, and i thought it didn't
deal with maths. (i wrote the catalogue entry, but
that was some time ago, and i only scanned the docs
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